The "Coaches Corner" presented by ENFIELD SOCCER ASSOCIATION

Welcome to the Youth Soccer Coaches Resource Center! Whether you're just getting started or are a seasoned coach, this site is designed to provide you with the knowledge and tools to run safe, effective, and fun soccer sessions. Here, you'll find essential safety tips, training resources, and answers to frequently asked questions.


"The goal is not to create the perfect player, but to inspire a love for the game that lasts a lifetime."


"A good coach can change a game. A great coach can change a life."

John Wooden

United Soccer Coaches

USC has grown into the world’s largest soccer coaches’ organization that serves members at every level of the game.

Become SafeSport Certified

The U.S. Center for SafeSport produces abuse awareness and prevention courses. *Mandatory to Coach*

US Soccer Coaching Information

The Coaching License Pathway consists of a series of courses designed to meet the specific needs of a coach at every step of the way.

Connecticut Junior Soccer Association (North Central District)

Connecticut Junior Soccer Association is committed to serve and educate its membership through the development, promotion and administration of youth soccer in the State of Connecticut.


Roots Soccer League (RSL), serving Western MA since 2016

Coaching Videos