Parents do you want something fun for your kids to do outside?  Does your child like soccer? Well the ESA has some fun soccer activities specifically for your 3-6 yr old!  Videos are below.

As we are starting to see some warmer weather, we know the children are eager to get outside and use some of that energy. The ESA has produced a series of soccer videos for our Learn2Play children that can be done at home. All the videos feature fun activities using basic soccer skills that parents can do with their children. The videos feature Coach Jay Rousseau, our ESA Director of Coaching. Coach Jay is also a Program Director for the Learn2Play program and will be one of our great coaches that will be on the fields with the children once the program commences.

As always, our online video series are brought to you FREE of charge. We want to help the kids have some fun while still having to be at home. We truly hope to get on the soccer field sometime this Spring or early Summer however that is still an unknown. During this time off the field, the ESA is dedicated to providing quality soccer content to our community. We hope you enjoy this series and would love to hear your experiences, videos of you and your child performing the activities.

Of course, if you have any questions at all please feel free to email us at and we will get back to you. Thank you for your continued support of ESA and we can't wait to see you on the field.

 Please Like & Share the ESA's Facebook Page

If you have any questions for Coach Jay or any other ESA member regarding the "Learn2Play at Home" Distance Learning Series please email or

Please Note:  These activities are provided to you to perform at your own risk, please use caution as with any physical activities when doing these fun activities.

Coach Jay Rousseau
Coach Jay Rousseau

Meet ESA's Director of Coaching - Jay Rousseau

Coach Jay Rousseau is one of the finest soccer players ever to wear the Enfield green jersey.  Jay was captain of his Enfield High School soccer team. As a youth, he played soccer in Enfield. Jay has also played for some of the region’s premier clubs in Connecticut to include West Hartford Premier and Oakwood Premier.  He received the honor of being selected to play within Connecticut’s Olympic Development Program from 2003-2005. Jay has coached soccer in Enfield at the rec and competitive levels for the last seven years. He is a lifelong resident of the Town of Enfield.

Last year when the Enfield Soccer Association was formed Jay came to the people involved and offered his assistance. The very first thought for Jay based on his background was for the Director of Coaching position.  Jay volunteered for this position and does this for his love of soccer, the Enfield Community and the children of this town.  Since becoming the Director of Coaching Jay has tirelessly dedicated his time to obtain the coaching certifications you see below, all this while working full time.  This not only shows us his diehard dedication to this sport but also to the town of Enfield, the children of Enfield and to the ESA.  Thank you for everything you've done to growth the sport of soccer!

Announcing the ESA Distance Learning Challenge Winners!

Congratulations to all the winners of the contest!  We thank you for your participation and hope that you had fun, enjoyed the skills presented to you and challenged yourself.  Your prizes and certificates will be sent via email and regular mail.  Jay our Director of Coaching will reach out to each of you to let you know what you've won.  The prizes that were donated include e-gift certificates, ESA T-Shirts, Stickers, Magnets and more.  We even have some special prizes that have been ordered.

Stay tuned to our social media, Facebook page and website for any other contests, skill lessons or additional challenges in the near future.  We thank you for the continued support and look forward to getting on the soccer field soon.  Stay happy, Stay Healthy and most of all Stay Safe!

Thank you,

~ESA Executive Board